2025 Centenary Research Conference: Tuesday, April 15
Deadline for Proposals: March 17
Every year, Centenary students and faculty are invited to present their best works of exploration and invention at our annual All-Campus Research Conference. A community tradition for over 30 years, the Research Conference is modeled on long-standing academic traditions of conference-based information sharing and feedback.
2024 Research Conference Winners
Natural Sciences:
1st place - Austyn Benoit & Monica Percino- "Foraminiferal Analysis and Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction of the Late Cretaceous Ozan Formation Exposure at North Sulphur River, NE Texas"
Social Sciences:
1st place - Mackenzie Williams - "Word meaning or speaker gender: The effects of semantic and pragmatic violations on memory for sentence-final words"
1st place - Jo Hoffman - "To Cuckold a God: How Chaucer uses "The Merchant's Tale" to Ridicule the Emerging Middle Class "
Poster Winner:
1st place - Tarif Islam- "Functional Characterization of Novel lncRNA in Arabidopsis thaliana"