Passport Points is a program designed to help all full-time, undergraduate Centenary students to have the opportunity to participate in an approved international educational travel experience during their 4 years of full-time undergraduate enrollment. Students are able to earn points for attending pre-approved events and programs such as cultural enrichment events and convocations.

According to the definition of the Passport Points program, a cultural enrichment activity exposes participants to different cultural practices that engage civic values and the arts as well as Centenary traditions and opportunities.

By filling out the form below you certify that this event meets the definition of a cultural enrichment activity and will adhere to all guidelines associated with hosting a Passport Points sponsored event.

Such guidelines could include, but are not limited to:

  • Displaying the event QR code in an easy-to-see place for event attendees.
  • Full cooperation with the Director of Education Outreach to ensure that your event is correctly publicized on the Passport Points webpage.
  • Working with the Office of Intercultural Engagement, Academic Affairs, or Marketing & Communication staff to ensure the success of your event.


* = required field

Name *
Date of Event *

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