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Upcoming Events

Brown Bag Book Club Lunch Bunch

Magale Library | Main Floor

Your favorite no book book club

FCA Meeting

Kilpatrick Auditorium

Weekly Fellowship of Christian Athletes. FMI:

Degree Works

Mickle Hall | Carlile Auditorium - Room 114

Degree Works

Outreach Bakesale

Caf Deck

Selling baked goods on the caf deck to raise funds for Drag Brunch Event.

SAAC Meeting

Kilpatrick Auditorium

45 min SAAC Bi-Weekly Meeting

CAB General Board Meeting

Centenary Room

CAB General Board Meeting

Degree Works

Mickle Hall | Carlile Auditorium - Room 114

Degree Works

Degree Works

Mickle Hall | Carlile Auditorium - Room 114

Degree Works

Legacy Reception

Whited Room

Legacy Reception

CLC Colloquium

Kilpatrick Auditorium

REL 200 - Christian Leadership Center (CLC) Colloquium meets each week that classes are in session.

Notice of Nondiscriminatory Policy The institution does not discriminate in its educational and employment policies against any person on the basis of gender, race, color, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, or on any other basis proscribed by federal, state, or local law.