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Upcoming Events

SAAC Meeting

Kilpatrick Auditorium

45 min SAAC Bi-Weekly Meeting

Shakespeare in the Shell

Hargrove Memorial Amphitheater

Centenary Theatre Program presents Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream with music performance by Opera Centenary.

CLC Colloquium

Kilpatrick Auditorium

REL 200 - Christian Leadership Center (CLC) Colloquium meets each week that classes are in session.

French Table

James Lobby

French Table

Founders Day Convocation

Main Chapel

The annual event to recognize the College's history and to award years of service pins to employees and announce the Outstanding Teacher and President's Excellence Award winners.

Drag Brunch Bake Sale

Caf Deck

We will be selling baked goods to raise money for Outreach and its events on campus, such as the Drag Brunch


James Lobby

Recap the Superbowl and learn some black history with Northside Hall Counsel and the Black Student Union with yummy soup!

Shakespeare in the Shell

Hargrove Memorial Amphitheater

Centenary Theatre Program presents Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream with music performance by Opera Centenary.

Reform Shreveport

Whited Room

Reform Shreveport Group Discussion

Shakespeare in the Shell

Hargrove Memorial Amphitheater

Centenary Theatre Program presents Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream with music performance by Opera Centenary.

Notice of Nondiscriminatory Policy The institution does not discriminate in its educational and employment policies against any person on the basis of gender, race, color, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, or on any other basis proscribed by federal, state, or local law.