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Upcoming Events

Bicentennial Bash

Hargrove Memorial Amphitheater

Student celebration of the 200 year anniversary of Centenary. Food, music, and fun galore!

Centenary Days

Hardy Hall of Fame Room
The Quad
Caf Deck
Main Lobby
Skeeters Lawn
Centenary Room
Front of Bynum/Circle Area
Whited Room

Centenary Days is an event for all accepted students. They will have the opportunity to tour different areas of campus, sit in on classes, and participate in small group acitivies to help with their college decision.

Magale Fest

Magale Lobby
Magale Library | Main Floor

Celebrate libraries and learning in a festive atmosphere. Open to the community.

Student Development Staff Meeting

Nelson Board Room

Student Development Staff Meeting

French Table

James Lobby

French Table

Centenary College Chapel Service

Brown Chapel| Small Chapel
Brown Chapel | Family Room
Brown Chapel | Main Chapel
Brown Chapel | Steeple Room

Centenary Chapel Services are held every Tuesday during the convocation hour throughout the semester when classes are in session.

SGA Excecutive Committee Meeting

Hardy Hall of Fame Room

SGA Excecutive Committee Meeting

LSAT Prep Class

Smith Building | Room 108

A weekly LSAT prep class for pre-law students

No Guarantee AA Group

Room 210

Andrew Parsons is the contact person with AA - 318-458-0830

SGA Meetings

Whited Room

SGA Meetings are to be help every Tuesday evening from 8-10 PM as per our constitution.

Notice of Nondiscriminatory Policy The institution does not discriminate in its educational and employment policies against any person on the basis of gender, race, color, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, or on any other basis proscribed by federal, state, or local law.