James Stewart

Adjunct Lecturer for the Philosophy Department
jstewart@centenary.edu Smith Building

Curtis Streetman

Police Officer U.S. Army 2008 - Present
318. 869.5000 cstreetman@centenary.edu Centenary Square, 214a

Chloe Suire

Counseling Services Intern Kinesiology, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
csuire@centenary.edu Rotary, Ground Floor

Eric Swartout

Police Officer B.G.S., Louisiana State University - Shreveport
318.869.5000 eswartout@centenary.edu Centenary Square

Collin Taylor

Development Officer for Athletics Centenary College of Louisiana, 2004, Master of Divinity SMU 2009
318.869.5052 cbtaylor2@centenary.edu Hamilton Hall Suite 227
Lecturer in Music B.M., Centenary College, 1974.
318.869.5235 cteague@earthlink.net Hurley School of Music
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics B.S., Southeastern Louisiana University, 1969. M.S., Tulane University, 1973. Ph.D., Tulane University, 1974.
Velma Davis Grayson Eminent Scholars Endowed Chair of Chemistry B.S., Cook College, Rutgers University, 1982. Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, 1988.
318.869.5229 tticich@centenary.edu Mickle Hall, 309

George Tiller

Assistant Professor of Biology Postdoctoral Professional Masters (PPM) in Bioscience Management, Keck Graduate Institute of Applied Life Sciences Ph.D. Microbiology & Molecular Genetics, University of Texas Health Science Center & MD Anderson B.S. Biology, Centenary College of Louisiana
318.841.7321 grtiller@centenary.edu Mickle Hall,206

Michael Tong

318.869.5000 mtong@centenary.edu Centenary Square
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